How Does a Camera Capture an Image?

how does a camera capture an image

Your camera is your best friend when it comes to capturing and pausing precious moments you spend with your family and friends. Do you know people upload a staggering 1.8 billion images on the internet every single day? But – have you ever wondered how does a camera capture an image? How can it freezes time allowing you to treasure those moments for the rest of your life?

15 Best Wedding Photography Tips For Beginners

wedding photography tips for beginners

Wedding is another name for photographing chaos. More importantly, the pressure of taking captivating photos that the family can treasure for the rest of their lives can get on your nerves, especially if you are a beginner. But you need not worry. This article contains the best wedding photography tips for beginners to get you started.

Where Are Canon Cameras Made?

where are canon cameras made

Canon is one of the largest camera manufacturers in the world. Every other photographer uses a Canon camera. It is also a favorite brand of some popular YouTubers and vloggers. But – do you know where are Canon cameras made. Canon is a Japanese company and most of its production takes place in its main facility located in the city of Oita.