Do Expensive Cameras Take Better Pictures?

Do expensive cameras take better pictures? Many people believe so and many don’t.  In this article, we are going to discuss whether it is just a myth or if is there some truth to it.

You have often heard people saying, “I would be a better photographer only if I had a professional camera”. This is true to some extent. Better camera gear does help you improve as a photographer and take beautiful pictures. But – it doesn’t make you a better photographer or enable you to amazing images overnight.

Does Camera Affect Photo Quality?

The photo quality offered by different cameras vastly differs from each other. Of course, a professional camera such as Canon EOS R5 with a 45-megapixel sensor, DIGIC X image processor, 1053-point autofocus, and 8-axis image stabilization will offer better photos than Canon PowerShot ELPH 180 with basic features. The earlier camera also has better low light performance, 8K video resolution, and a reliable and solid body.

Therefore, image and video quality delivered by EOS R5 is much better than ELPh 180 or any other low-tier camera. Even some high-end DSLRs are no match for the latest mirrorless cameras from Canon, Nikon, and Sony, nothing to talk about point-and-shoot cameras.

More expensive cameras can take your images to the next level. But – they are useless if the person holding them has no idea how to use them.

What Camera Do In Need to Take Professional Pictures?

Professional cameras and lenses don’t even matter, especially for new photographers and hobbyists. The statement can be a bit shocking for some people. After all, all experienced and professional photographers use expensive photography gear including cameras and lenses. However, none of them started with good equipment.

Most of them didn’t even have enough money to buy a decent point-and-shoot camera. Some started with their smartphones or a simple point-and-shoot. I learned the tricks of the trade using Canon EOS, an extremely cheap and entry-level DSLR. I never stopped using it even after I bought a more expensive and better DSLR.

The purpose of all the tirade is to make you understand that you don’t become a better photographer if you have an expensive camera. You can use a point-and-shoot, a budget DSLR, or even a good smartphone camera to capture extremely beautiful professional images.

What Defines You as a Photographer?

The first answer you should seek while asking yourself, “Do expensive cameras take better pictures” is what defines you as a photographer. The first thing you should learn is how to use a camera followed by understanding the fundamentals of photography. If you manage to grasp both these things, nothing can stop you from taking high-quality professional images even from a smartphone.

Start with Basics

All successful photographers have one thing in common. They spend a lot of time learning the basics of camera and photography in the initial stages of their careers.

Keep in mind that factors like aperture, ISO, and shutter speed are the same, irrespective of the camera you are using. Yes, more expensive cameras have higher ISOs, wider apertures, and faster shutter speeds. However, the basic concept remains the same for all types of cameras. It is the composition that matters and its quality doesn’t depend on the camera.

You must learn how to use these things if you want to hone your skills and become a better photographer. You must understand compositional techniques, exposure triangle, colors, light, manual focus, etc. Only then you can capture captivating images.

You will quickly realize that you don’t need a professional camera in the beginning when you start understanding these concepts. It cannot instantly make your images better if you have no idea of photography basics.

Why Professional Photographers Use Expensive Gear?

You must be eager to ask a question here. Why do professional photographers use expensive gear when they can take high-quality images with an entry-level camera? How are more expensive cameras better for them but not for you?

Is it not contradicting to whatever I have said earlier?

What I have been trying to say is that you don’t need an expensive camera to become a good photographer. Once you learn the basics and start earning some money from your hobby, you must switch to a more expensive or better camera.

Because you need one to take breathtakingly beautiful professional images and make a name for yourself in this highly competitive field.

It is an open secret that a $5000 camera such as Canon EOS ID-X Mark III will take better pictures than a $500 camera such as Nikon D3200. Similarly, a $2000 lens such as Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 offers far better results than a $100 lens in the likes of Canon EOS 50mm f/1.8.

Professional cameras help you take extremely sharp, crisp, and detailed images and videos compared to cheap cameras.

Difference between Expensive and Cheap Cameras

The main reasons for the better performance of professional cameras compared to cheap cameras are as under.

  • Better ISO performance
  • Higher dynamic range
  • Very fast autofocus
  • Most professional cameras have built-in image stabilization
  • Larger and superior sensors
  • Higher resolutions
  • Higher video resolutions
  • Very fast continuous shooting speed.

Certain factors are also suitable for a certain type of photography.

For example, better ISO performance results in high-quality images in low light.

Higher dynamic range, high resolution, and ISO performance are prerequisites for beautiful landscape photos.

Fast continuous shooting speed, more autofocus points, and image stabilization are necessary for excellent action, sports, and wildlife photos.

Finally, professional cameras allow you to shoot in larger RAW files instead of compressed JPEG files as in the case of cheaper cameras. Therefore, you can make larger prints without any distortion or noise.

In short, professional cameras offer images of the highest quality in every situation, impossible for a cheap camera to accomplish.

Who is Professional Camera Gear Best for?

So, who should use the professional or expensive cameras? What is the right time for you to switch from your entry-level DLSR to a high-end DSLR or a mirrorless camera?

There is no definite time to make a move from a beginner to a professional camera. It depends on how quickly you learn the basics or what you want to attain as a photographer.

A new photographer should focus on understanding the fundamentals of using an entry-level camera. You must take time to learn basic settings such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Experiment with different settings, photography techniques, and light situations. Try to improve your composition and take as many images as you can.

Eventually, a time will come when you will realize that you need better photography gear than you currently have. You may want to print bigger images, participate in various photography competitions, or convert your hobby into a full-time profession.

However, a professional camera is overkill if you only want to share your images online. Most images published online are downsized JPEG files and therefore, results from both professional and entry-level cameras look the same on the internet.

Do You Need a Good Camera to Make a Professional Film?

Yes, you do need a good camera to make a professional film, even more than you need a good camera to take professional photos.

Once again, however, you can start making professional films with cheap or low-end cameras when you are starting. The quality of a video or film depends on a lot of factors such as:


The foundation of a good film is its story. A compelling narrative, well-developed characters, and a strong script are crucial.


The director’s vision and ability to bring the story to life through actors and scenes are vital. Good direction can make even simple scenes shot on a basic camera look engaging.


Proper lighting can greatly enhance the quality of your footage, regardless of the camera used. It helps in setting the mood and tone of the scenes.

Sound Quality

Clear and well-designed sound, including dialogue, background scores, and sound effects, play a significant role in the overall impact of the film.


Skillful editing can transform raw footage into a cohesive and engaging narrative. It involves pacing, transition, and sometimes visual effects.


This involves the art of framing shots and moving the camera. A creative cinematographer can make ordinary scenes visually appealing.

Production Design

The setting, costumes, and props all contribute to the authenticity and visual appeal of the film.

Casting and Performances

The actors’ performances are key to bringing the story and characters to life.

Using a less expensive camera when starting out has its advantages. It allows you to focus on these fundamental aspects of filmmaking without being overwhelmed by the complexities of high-end equipment.

However, once you gain experience and develop your skills, and if you have the means, switching to more expensive or professional cameras can be beneficial. High-end cameras offer better resolution, dynamic range, color grading options, and more control over depth of field, which can enhance the visual quality of your film. But remember, a more expensive camera is just a tool; the artistry and skill of the filmmaker are what truly make a film professional.

Comparison of an Expensive Vlogging Camera with a Cheap One

For example, let’s compare the Sony A7S III, a high-end vlogging camera, with the Canon PowerShot SX620 HS, a more budget-friendly option.

Image Quality

The Sony A7S III, with its full-frame sensor, delivers superior image quality, exceptional low-light performance, and a higher dynamic range. The Canon PowerShot SX620 HS, while capable, offers lower resolution and reduced performance in low light due to its smaller sensor.


The A7S III boasts advanced features like 4K video recording, in-body image stabilization, and fast autofocus. The SX620 HS is more basic, with 1080p video recording and simpler autofocus capabilities.


The Sony A7S III allows for extensive manual control and customization, appealing to professionals. The Canon SX620 HS, being a point-and-shoot camera, has limited manual settings, making it easier for beginners but less versatile.


The A7S III is significantly more expensive, reflecting its professional-grade capabilities. The SX620 HS is much more affordable, catering to casual or amateur users.

The Sony A7S III offers superior quality and features suited for professional filmmaking, while the Canon PowerShot SX620 HS is a budget-friendly option that covers basic vlogging needs.

Also Read: Which Brand Is Best For DSLR?

Frequently Asked Questions

Does camera matter in photography?

Yes, the camera matters in photography to an extent, as different cameras offer varying features and capabilities that can influence the final image. However, the photographer’s skill, creativity, and understanding of composition and lighting are often more important.

Does an expensive camera make a difference?

An expensive camera can make a difference, especially in challenging conditions, offering better image quality, higher resolution, improved low-light performance, and more manual control options. However, the impact depends on the photographer’s expertise in utilizing these advanced features.

Does the brand of camera matter?

The brand of a camera can matter in terms of the ecosystem (like lenses and accessories) available and the specific technological strengths each brand offers. However, the skill of the photographer and their familiarity with the equipment is generally more crucial.

Does a higher megapixel mean better quality?

A higher megapixel count can mean better resolution, allowing for larger prints and more detail. However, it doesn’t always equate to overall better image quality, which also depends on factors like sensor size, lens quality, and image processing.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that what type of camera you need depends on your requirements, ambitions, and of course, budget. Not many beginners can afford expensive professional cameras. What I want to make you understand is that you don’t need an expensive camera to learn photography or become a better photographer. But – you should switch to a professional camera once you have enough money and skills to buy and use one respectively.

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